This parameter and menu item specify how images should be loaded for displaying
by TSMorph.
- ALWAYS - Only try and load normal ILBM images. Fail if not. The
CHANGEPALETTE parameter has an affect on the
image display.
- IFILBM - First try to load as an ILBM image, load and remap the image
if the image is not an ILBM or has 24 planes.
- IFCOLOURS - As IFILBM but remap if the number of planes
in the image exceed the number of the screen.
- REMAP - Loads most ILBM (including 24 bit, EHB, HAM6, HAM8 and
DCTV (with dctv.library [REMAP needs to be specified to
correctly display DCTV images]), JPEG, TARGA, PPM and GIF. For JPEG if
CHANGEPALETTE=YES or NO and the screen (see PUBSCREEN)
has more than 2 bit planes then the image is remapped to a
dynamic type palette. Otherwise the image is remapped to the screen palette. If this
fails then opal.library will be used (if present). This
may be required for some JPEGs.
- OPAL - Always use opal.library to load the image. This is probably
only useful to load images in Opal FAST IFF format.
The images are remapped to the current palette.
When loading and remapping complex images a requester
is displayed with a title of Loading Image, a text gadget giving progress messages,
a Pass gadget, and a third progress gadget. There is no way of interrupting the load process.
For slow machines it is suggested that you convert the images to ILBMs and specify ALWAYS.